Terms and conditions
Membership is open to all Dodge Brothers and Graham Brothers vehicles built between 1914 and 1938.
Highly modified vehicles will not be considered or accepted for Club Membership.
New membership application
- Complete the new membership application form to apply to become a new member, which can be downloaded here. (Please do not pay any new membership fee until you receive further notice from the Membership Office or Club Treasurer requesting you to do so.)
- Contact the Secretary if you require assistance at [email protected].
- Once your membership application is approved you will be directed to pay a one off joining fee along with the annual fee.
- In the meantime “Welcome to the DBCA”.
Existing membership renewal
- Pay your renewal by selecting your preferred membership type via the online payment portal below.
- Complete the update of vehicle information form by clicking here and click submit at the bottom (via Google forms).
- Continue enjoying your membership of the DBCA.
DBCA Membership
$50.00 – $100.00
Membership to the Club is open to all persons with a Dodge or Graham Brothers interest – owning a vehicle is not a prerequisite.
Our aim is to help members to source information and parts, and to assist members in the preservation and restoration of their vehicles.
When choosing payment option select electronic to receive newsletter by E-mail, or select paper if receiving newsletter by post.
Additional information
New membership – electronic, New membership – paper, Membership renewal – electronic, Membership renewal – paper